buying a home? get the answers to your questions

Buying Your First Multi-Level Home? 3 Tips For Making The Right Purchase

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Purchasing a home with multiple stories can be a great opportunity for having more space while the home still takes up relatively little land. This can be so important when you’re living somewhere that land is limited. When you’ve decided to buy your first multi-level home, you’ll need to take your time to look into which homes would be a good fit for you. Instead of rushing into buying a home that seems like a good fit, consider the following tips to help with your purchase. Read More»

Four Factors That Affect The Luxury Home Market

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The luxury home market is affected by some unique factors in addition to the conventional factors influencing the real estate industry. Here are some of the things that affect the luxury property market: An Influx of Foreigners An increase in property prices usually follows an influx of foreigners. This is especially true with high net worth foreigners who can afford to invest in foreign countries, especially those who are seeking to buy vacation home, second home or an investment home. Read More»

Should You Buy A Condo Or A House? The Choice Is Dependent On What Your Lifestyle Is

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When many people think of home ownership, it usually means buying a house on a piece of property and settling down with their family. Actually, home ownership can now mean several different things including buying a condo instead of a house. What way is the best choice for you? Should you buy a house or look at condos for sale? Well, the answer is really dependant on your needs and lifestyle. Read More»

How Technology Is Changing The Real Estate Market

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Technology is now in every part of modern life. It’s not just for keeping in touch with friends and family via computers, tablets, and smartphones. It’s in the manufacturing industry with advanced robots creating items. The retail industry with self-serve checkouts and now it’s in the real estate industry too. How is technology changing the real estate market?  Transaction Engagement Technology For the most part, all real estate transactions were carried out by banks or brokers typically in person at a branch. Read More»

Tasks To Do When Preparing Apartments For The Next Tenants

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If you own rental properties and manage them yourself, there might be some tasks you simply do not want to do or have time to do. The tasks you do not want to do probably need to be completed, and there is a great way for you to get the jobs done without doing them yourself, and this involves hiring a property maintenance company to do them. One major task you could hire a company like this to do is prepare your units for rent after a person moves out. Read More»